25 March 2005
In respect of the fact that Major B. Jennings of the 93rd (Sutherland Highlanders) has, on many occasions, acted in a command position, and in particular in his leadership of the International Highland Brigade on many campaigns including Waterloo and that this position has been confirmed by the leadership of the Crown Forces and the Napoleonic Association on past occasions and that request has been made by the European Napoleonic Society that he again act in this capacity under the British Command at Plancenoit/Waterloo this year. Be it known that I have been pleased to once again confirm his brevet rank of Colonel for the duration of this action, and in respect of the fact that this is the 10th anniversary of his first command of the Highland Brigade at Waterloo, I do hereby promote Major Jennings to Lieutenant Colonel the said promotion to take effect on the 18th of June this year or the day on which he enters the field in command of the Highland Brigade, whichever comes sooner.I commend him to his superiors on the British Staff in Britain for the upcoming campaign, I know you will be as pleased to renew your acquaintanceship with him as you have been to serve with him in the past. I only regret that I am personally unable to serve with you in this action, but with fond memories of battles past and looking forward to meetings to come, I remain,
Timothy Pickles
Lieutenant General Crown Forces
General Napoleonic Association28 March 2005
Mr Jennings. I should like to offer you command of my Highland units (at Waterloo). I should be very pleased if you would accept.
Brigader General Wagg Ellis-Jones